My life is just like these papers.. line-less.. full of expectations, and many unexpected events.. so, I'm not sure how it would end.. though I feel the end is approaching soon.. Still it's lineless
Lines of My Life
It is almost the same scenario I faced, you think you are going to be tought in at least "fair" place with fair regulations, but reality hits when you notice that being honest and hard working is not enough, you have to suck up alot to reach to what you want. I don't know if this is the norm in med school or any school, but it is shamefull and sad in all measures.
where are you planning to do the internship?
dear khalid.. maybe i'm not a duck but a chicken.
dear shadow..
i can be a pain in the ass for them.. don't worry about me.. if they try to mess with me.. oh that will be bad. I think med schools are bad because of all this competition.
I am forced to have 8 months in my university hospital.. the other 4 months maybe in Canada and wherever i think to specialize at.
thank u all
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