When I was a boy, I remember reading a story about a rich man and a poor one. The rich man’s child used to watch monologue shows in the poor man’s cart. The rich man was irritated by that, and decided to destroy the cart, and so he did. Later on, his wife told him: “you might behead the poor man, rather than destroying his living source.” The story was a gift from my father’s friend.
After 14 or 15 years, the same story popped up in my mind. The rich man could tell his son to stop going, kindly, softly, politely, roughly, or force him not to go. Yet, he couldn’t behave his son well and reach an equilibrium point with him. As well as the father has no right at all to destroy the poor man cart. That could be applied for the old good days. Nowadays, kids could be mistaken; steal, hit, or fight a poor man, and their fathers support the boys against poor men, for one good reason: he’s poor. And if parents couldn’t get rid of that poor man, they might start a plan to destroy him, terminate his job, and send him away. By doing that, parents think they dry the troubles source. Yet, they enable the real trouble maker.
Why do they do so? For 2 reasons, the victim is poor, and they are rich. Rich and poor, rich boys do no mistake, poor men are mistaken. They don’t have the right to live, if they compromise rich people relaxing living. What a community. Easily, we forgot to teach our children the right values, and adjust what is right and wrong based on the finance situation of individuals. It’s shame on us, shame on family, and shame on values to be spoken among our tongues, and passed through our minds. Sick minds think they are right when they behave their sons, by punishing other people, poor people..
What a sorrow for justice, and justice value. Once, Prophet Mohammad said: “If my daughter has stolen anything, I would have been cut her hand.”
My life is just like these papers.. line-less.. full of expectations, and many unexpected events.. so, I'm not sure how it would end.. though I feel the end is approaching soon.. Still it's lineless
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