P.S: please vote for the best lesson.
My life is just like these papers.. line-less.. full of expectations, and many unexpected events.. so, I'm not sure how it would end.. though I feel the end is approaching soon.. Still it's lineless
Egyptian Lessons
P.S: please vote for the best lesson.
forgot to say that the picture is so Expressive!
Like it ....:)
Most anesthetist I came across were from Egypt, and they were so smart, harworking people.
4th: loved the part about turning them into sweetmares.
6th: this is so true, and if you think of it, most of the mistakes doctors often do come from their reluctance to seek second opinion when things get complicated.They don't know how to work like a one uninted team. There is always a matter of ego in this too,some of them really need to deflate their egos a bit and admit their mistakes.
Those were good lessons!
Good luck
i really admired in what u wrote or precisely what you learned.
really a butter from life
i can't express my feelings in english
but in fact your pen is so awful.
brother just keep forwarding
My dear friends,
thank you for your comments.. it means a lot for me,
dear doctors:
1. Dr. Mohammad: it could be all due to your influence on me to improve. In the end, this is so much for one person to have, let's share it.
Regarding the picture, as usual we have been through many lessons to know what to choose.
2. Dr. Shadow: you always add glamorous and light to my entries, whenever you write comments. Anyway, this Egyptian doctor is different. I'm sure about that."deflate their egos a bit" this is a great sentence, I may use it soon, after ur permission for sure. Thank you for your comments, I hope the lessons were up to your level.
3. Dr. Mualim: i don't have to express anything. Our hearts can speak directly without words. However, this butter needs some bread ;).
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