دورات تأهيلية للمشاريع الصغيرة ودراسة معوقات الشباب انطلاق فعاليات برنامج الأميرمحمد للشباب بالقطيف السبت المقبل | |
جعفر الصفار - القطيف | |
تنطلق يوم السبت المقبل فعاليات وأنشطة برنامج الأمير محمد بن فهد لتنمية الشباب، أكد ذلك المشرف العام على برنامج الأمير محمد بن فهد لتنمية الشباب الدكتور عيسى بن حسن الأنصاري خلال زيارته لبرنامج الأمير محمد بن فهد لتنمية الشباب فى فرع البرنامج بمقر جمعية القطيف الخيرية بالقطيف مساء أمس الأول مشيرا الى اهتمام وتوجيه صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير محمد بن فهد بن عبد العزيز أمير المنطقة الشرقية ودعمه لفئة الشباب بالقطيف باعتبارهم أساس التنمية. واشار الأنصاري فى كلمته خلال الزيارة الى وضع معايير لخطط دورات تدريبية وتنويع الأنشطة المختلفة، ودراسة العوائق التي تواجه الشباب، وتـلمـس احتـياجـاتهـم وإشراكهم بالبرامج المختلفة وتثقيف الأسر وتفعيل دورات تأهيلية وتدريبية للمشاريع الصغيرة وتمويل الدعم لهم، إضافة إلى البرامج الترفيهية ومنتدى الابداع الشبابي في الشعر والنقد الأدبي والفنون التشكيلية والاستفادة من طرح الأفكار الهادفة لسياسة البرنامج بتنمية المهارات الاجتماعية والنفسية والثقافية والأدبية. ثم ألقي مدير فرع برنامج الأمير محمد بن فهد لتنمية الشباب بالقطيف عصام الشماسي كلمة ترحيبية كاشفا ان برنامج الأمير محمد بن فهد لتنمية الشباب يمثل أملا للشباب والفتيات نحو مستقبل افضل عن طريق مساعدة ذوي التعليم المحدود على التدريب واكتساب المهارات وتأهيلهم للتوظيف فى اعمال تتوافق مع معارفهم واحتياجات سوق العمل ونقل الشماسي شكر وامتنان اهالي محافظة القطيف لاهتمام سمو أمير المنطقة الشرقية بتقديم العون اللازم للشباب لتهيئتهم ليقوموا بدور مسئول وجاد في حياتهم المستقبلية بعد تزويدهم بالمعارف والمهارات التي تمكنهم من اداء مهامهم بنجاح وتوفير برامج تأهيلية تساعدهم في الحصول على وظائف بسوق العمل أو بدء مشاريع صغيرة خاصة بهم. وعرض أمين البرنامج بالقطيف أحمد الفرج موجزا لانجازات وطموح فرع برنامج الأمير محمد بن فهد وأضاف بأن برنامج الامير محمد بن فهد لتنمية الشباب نجح فى القيام بخطوات لاعداد كفاءات سعودية مؤهلة قادرة على التعاطي مع متطلبات العمل في القطاع الخاص واستطاع تدريب آلاف الشباب والفتيات خلال الاعوام الماضية لخوض سوق العمل. | |
My life is just like these papers.. line-less.. full of expectations, and many unexpected events.. so, I'm not sure how it would end.. though I feel the end is approaching soon.. Still it's lineless
اليوم الإلكتروني - المحليات
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wine & Cheese
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Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Alcohol, most often, serves the purpose of stress relief. No wonder in western countries everybody is smiling. Anyway, it could be the relation between Jesus and wine. Mosques meant to serve the same purpose in Islamic countries, especially in Saudi Arabia. As it’s forbidden to practice any stress relief method, you name it: alcohol, Sufism, dancing, lusting, appreciating the beauty, living, or any other spiritual interaction with upstairs or downstairs contacts. Therefore, everybody is acting god, stuck with their anger in the middle of everywhere and nowhere. They’re very eager to punish their sinful worshipers. And when everybody is god and sinner, It’s really hard to understand how each one of them is the victim and the executioner. Moreover, the heat, we are suffering, is a suggestive factors that it’s not heaven where god excites, it’s hell. Let’s put it in the correct way again; they all are devils, god gathered them all in one inferno.
Homogeneous, similar, tunneled, and unipolar attitude and mentality is the main obstacle an individual meets in this community. Sometimes, I would like to add homosexuality, and any word with homo as a prefix, to the previous formula, like it’s a homosociety. There’s zero tolerance toward others, even between 2 different genders. Well, this is due to the god part inside each of us. I’m sure that the paranoia of each Saudi individual would be enough to make around 16 million gods walking on earth. Yet, don’t ask me how such humiliated people can have such a great ego? A child abusing to another child is usually initiated by an adult, or a third child who was abused by an adult. So, the idea is same in here, it’s a chain of ass kicking. Usually when I kick someone ass, and he can’t kick me back, he would look for anybody else to kick…etc.
Even those who claim to be liberal are under question. Most liberalism titles in here are due to religious stress, not open minded orientation. What a shame when a liberal individual would only ask to stop practicing freedom of thinking, speaking, and believing. Because, they think they again they’re the only correct stream and attitude. They remind me to some extent to Bush junior, either you’re with us, or against us. Though they’re liberal, they will never give up their previous religious orientation. Most of them would stay extreme as soni for example when it comes to shia or non soni. To tell the truth, in many occasions I sense that liberal are just like religious men only with minor changes in dressing code. Because, Saudi mentality, regardless the ideology, can’t tolerate more than 1 color, 1 truth, 1 attitude, and 1 man rules at the earth, what lies below and fly above.
No wonder, Mohammed Bin Abdlwahab, the religious godfather of Saudi kingdom clicked the correct button. I can understand now his emphasize on the idea of 1 god, 1 correct belief, and only 1 way to be right. The correct way was following him. His main supporters were people living in deserts. While the main opposes were far away from deserts population. In France, there’re 2 things cheese and wine. In Empty Quarter, there is only one thing: sand.
College Life
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Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
How to survive in 50 degree centigrade hot weather? It’s really melting hot. The Saudi practice of dressing could co up well with the climate. The thob is a piece of clothes designed like a female dress, except for the long sleeves and minor changes. It allows the air circulation and ventilation, special of the lower manly organs. A teacher in my intermediate school listed the benefits of wearing thob. It’s easier to go to bathroom with thob, easier to practice sex with it, easier to run and fight or flee. However, when a Saudi guy holds his thob between his teeth, most often it’s running is for fleeing. The other piece is ghotra. It’s just a scarf over the head, and from now and on it will be coded as SoH. Talking about scarfs, the story is completely different at the female side. They wear the same manly dress but in black. Can you imagine all the heat and sun rays absorbed to that poor black body?
I always have this fancy of walking with my upper scrub piece and a boxer below.I want to do that, for sure, at the hospital wards, not anywhere else. This is not greys anatomy influence; it’s just I like and admires my boxers so much. The Saudi dressing code proved its failure in the recent heat wave. It’s only June, and it easily goes up to 55C and more. So, boxers are the solution. If you go out wear only a boxer, or even go outdoors naked. It’s really hot, hot and horny. A friend of mine was telling me that Saudi people are always sexually aroused because the heat. And usually they seek a window or a hole to release this heat.
I just finished my 5th year in Riyadh, the international capital of dust. The experience I gained in there is really enormous. It’s only 400 km away from my home town, though life there is very different in term of decades. It could be not only life; it is also the stage of my life I spent there, the college life. As far as I know, in any place other than Saudi Arabia or Riyadh or College of Medicine in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the college life has 1 important element: celebration and parties, beside many others. Well, the elements of my college life were nothing, just studying, Starbucksing, loneliness, surviving in such a terrible climate and interacting with the real world.
I’ve been discriminated on 5 bases by the real world:
1. Religion: though I’m not religious, and most discriminators were not.
2. Ideological: many religious people were calling me liberal, weird, and strange.
3. Tribal: and for those who don’t know what tribe is. It’s to know your 25 great grandfathers. This’s little under estimating to it, we may talk more about it later.
4. Demographical: I’m not from Najd; Riyadh, Qasim, Kharj, or wherever there. I’m from East, and the easterners are loyal to Iran, because they’re from there.
5. Socioeconomic: I’m stranger, oh god how suspicious is a stranger in Riyadh. Given I don’t really involve myself into their life style; I don’t go to the mosque at all, I don’t hang out with class mates, I don’t dress in Thob and SoH as they do, and I am silent most of the time. Also, I do everything they don’t do.
However, I learned how to be a pain in the ass, and surviving these harsh conditions. Indeed, I lost a lot, still, there’s some reasonable gain. I changed to another person, could be worse person. So, the other college life element is being a jerk. Just please before I go to the other topic, I didn’t do any harm to anybody under any condition in my whole residency in Riyadh.
This is my last summer as a student. Next year, I’m going to start my internship as soon as I finish the school. Finally the long harsh 7 years are approaching the end. Unfortunately, it sounds to be a busy summer. There will be no chilling, relaxing, or travelling abroad. So far, I am trying to apply for an anesthesia elective attachment in some hospitals around. I have a lot in my mind regarding some of my younger brothers. Alost, there are much more to do regarding my community. I may have a couple of weeks in September, so if you were in my place, what would you do?
سمان يوسف
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Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
تبسمت أمامي ساعةً
مرت كطرفة العين،
و لحاظ النفس..
ثم بوجهها أشاحت
ففطنت أن الليل الذي أراقص
أوشكت جنود الضوء سلبه من ذراعي..
و خطفه من محجر الظٌلمةِ،
لأعين الحساد.
ماء أنسى الكدر
صفاء شبابه
و أثقل عاتقي
صفاء شبابه
و أثقل عاتقي
مستشرفاً مجداً
أعرج الخطى
يتكيء ذكرى تناوشتها الأيامُ..
تطعنها ساعات النسيانِ
و التغافي..
ينظر العاثر لها
في هدوءٍ
و حسرة..
ثورة الدم داخلي
بعد أوجها،
صارت رماداً
لا يخفي تحته إلا بقايا
من قهوتي
و انتفاضتي
و غزواتي..
جيادي ملت الصهيل،
و حوافرها لما تبارح
ساحة ظهري.
خافقي يستثقل النبضَ،
أعيته سنون الهوى،
كسمان يوسفَ
تحمل الإعصار
سرعان ما تَهُبَّ في دار قلبي
و ما إن يسترق الفجرُ خطاه
حتى تستعيبَ
و جواري،
تقطع بيننا
أصابع الوصالِ.
غفت عاصفة الحب،
كأنها ما هبت
أيقظت قلوب الوالهين
و ما نامت..
ذبل الغصن الذي انتشى
عرشاً كنت فوقه..
ملك الهوى..
تلبي فمي بنتَ الكرمِ
كيف لها أن تسعى
مبتورة الأرجل؟
و ما أسرع خطاها
في خاطري.
على قصر مشيدٍ
و بئر سحيق،
يحفر عميقاً
بُعدَ الذاكرة الضائعِ
في نشوة الخمرة..
فتلوح لفتةٌ
من سهرة الليلة
جائرة في طرفها،
و ثغرها ساحر،
و لها أكفٌ من الأكاذيبِ،
تحمل لضريحي
نعش الكبرياءِ،
و بقايا من جثة الغرور
أطاحت بها
لعالم الخنوع..
الجمعة 11-6-2010
Posted by
Monday, June 07, 2010
Monday, June 07, 2010
زهر اللوز في حدائق شيراز
وأنهى المعذبون الصيام
هاهم الفرس قد أطاحوا بكسرى
بعد قهر و زلزلوا الأصنام
شيعة .. سنة
جياعٌ .. عطاشٌ
كسروا قيدهم وفكوا اللجام
شاه مصر يبكي شاه إيران
فأسوان ملجأً لليتامى
والخميني يرفع الله سيفاً
ويغني النبي والإسلام
هكذا تصبح الديانة خلقاً مستمراً
وثورة واقتحام
This is the longest version I could find, though I guess it's not complete.
Peace of Mind
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Friday, June 04, 2010
Friday, June 04, 2010
If you read this, then, most likely I found my place in the boat to the next harbor. During that journey, the weather was very turbulent. Wild waves engulfed the moon, and frightened the light. The boat was just like a small feather, manipulated by wind. Hopelessly it was fighting the stormy sea. In the middle of the battle, the machine of fate was working peacefully. Like it found the optimal atmosphere to function. So, dear fate, was it weather fault? Or it's the sailor, a trouble seeker. Are we free? Or it's incidences and chance that drive our destiny? Doubt and instability is a benefit which makes my brain works probably. Oh, my brain, my trouble seeker, I presumed marriage may provide you some peace of mind. Now, I'm not sure of what you seek, and what you pursue.
What if a beautiful lady is in front of me? She's dressed in a very seductive way. In a temptation to all of my 6 senses, she's starting to take off what covers her lustful flesh. At that moments, what factors may control my decisions? Shall I ignore all this show, and ask god for the reward? Or I may fulfill her thirst. I closed my eyes, slightly opened my mouth. A journey of kisses has begun. An angel has been sent to catch us on the action. We've been taken upstairs. At his/her glory supreme court, we presented in front of the question: who to take the guilt?
"communism is a world in which each give according to their abilities, and receive according to their needs". Islam punishment theory is almost the same. There're 2 evidence in Islam teaching we need to study. First: No bearer of burdens shall bear another's burden, "لا تزر وازرة وزر أخرى". Second is the treatment an Illegitimate child should receive.
We're free, therefore, god may abstract one event to exclude any other factors. Then, he/she may judge accordingly. Let's make it easier; I decided to suicide. I'm completely informed about the guilt I made. Though, I did my plan due to stress, failure, lost, childhood abuse, and uselessness of my life. All these excuses can't stand in front of my knowledge that suicide is forbidden, and hell shall be my ultimate residency. This is what I could understand from first evidence.
We can't control fate. The lady we just mentioned earlier conceived my child. Such a child is a prohibited from many rights. For example, he can't be an Imam/leader in a prayer (something like priest). Also, he can't be…. What's his guilt to be judged like this? Life wasn't fair to him, so shall god be unfair to him? If he turned to be a criminal, should we look to the incidence abstractly, regardless the factor which led him to this condition? So, communism is the solution. He would be treated accordingly to his abilities. The ability to make decisions in a situation, given his condition and capability. Anyway, the community, the parents, and all other factors should be punished and rewarded as needed. The need of people to be pure. So, they may approach heaven.
My optimistic opinion tend to have a forgiven god, more like Jesus style. Even staying in hell should be for very limited people. Also, for many of them, they should linger there for very short period. This way, I dared to sail to the next coast. I wanna know how it's like over there. Anybody is welcome to join me.
I'm getting old faster than I could notice. Soon, I'll be 25 years old, that's almost one third of my life. Assuming I was supposed to live 75, what third should be the most important? I can't tell what I achieved, Alexander conquered the world when he was younger than I'm. Napoleon captured Egypt also in a younger age. Being creative usually is found in early age. Orientation regarding aims and targets should be clear for a person before 20's. I am asking myself, what my objectives are. What special about me?
To be continued
To be continued
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