Home, Dream, Home

Friday, June 24, 2011

Smooth Sailing

I’m a day time dreamer. The world around me is very dull. It’s worth to mention that colors are brighter, shinier in my early years of life. It’s like I started my life with colorful movie, and I run out of colors as I grow older. Everything my vision may reach is different. Ants are flying, flowers are dancing, and moon is sparking. That gloomy sphere up in there, for you, is an orientation of sky means, for me. I intended to mention somebody I admire and love in this little passage, but I’m too selfish to talk about anyone but myself. So I just said: “admire and love”, why not the other way around?

Am I in love with myself? Ok this has many meanings, but please don’t go the other wrong way. I couldn’t survive the minutes away from you. I’m in love with you, and apparently I’m trying to hide it. How can I while you manifest, in glory, from everything my eyes may visualize and appreciate? Knowledge of mine could explain how ladies can dance ballet, every vessel, tendon, muscle, and nerve, all I can address. I can track the commands from the higher center down to the heel and toes. Yet, I’m completely ignorant in front of your architecture, design, and angles. I’m lost when I try to elaborate the beauty behind your eyes.

It’s boring to publish a love letter. Obviously, more I write, more gut I have to prolong what I write about. As paragraphs grow longer, the ideas console between my fingers. This time, I dare to say I’m not talking about goddess, they only exists away from my mortal reach. You’re mortal, just like me, and the days are, as well. I’m not sure do we kill time, or time slays our flesh and breaths? Still, time has no command over my dreams. I can shift day light to dusky horizon. I can reverse time, and when I do, you grow more beautiful. In my dreams, I’m immortal, and when I close my eyes, I live forever. 

The heaviness in my chest burdens my words. You can understand that, every time after the shower I set silent, staring in your eyes, and my breaths almost vanish in your breast curves. The air gets inside a puzzle, how it can survive such magnificent incubator. Then, it condenses into little dew of my own. They move erotically along your breast. It’s stupid I don’t know other words for breast, because yours is a different than how the word expresses the insight. I have children of little water evaporations. They formed under the fog of that eve, when god decided to concede his/her/its humanely characters. 

I’m sailing in a sea of my daughter and sons. Those little drops which crash under my ship are my made. I’m surfing over a thin thread. If it’s broken, whole my life would collapse. It’s like the moment which separates dawn from last darkness rays. Like when you say: “good bye” and I stand next to the door. I can’t step behind, then I lost you sight. I can’t follow you, so shame will be our third fellow. Please, you can understand the pain I pass through, to see you, during our meeting, and we our fingers get detach. It’s like a journey in a wild sea. Oh, if I took care of my little drops, they would be behaved. It’s all about shoreless sea and homeless man. So, I knocked the door of my dreams, and ask them: “can I stay inside?”

In the end of the day, don’t ask me: “how do you dream?” I can't live outside dreams.

Thank for AutumnGoddess to give this great picture.. 

Full Moon

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Astrologer

When I act weird, just check the sky for a full moon. One of the greatest human mistakes is trying to keep their selves in a constant status. Anyway, a full moon is the span which extends between 2 insanity episodes. I wonder a crazy relationship will or not be tolerated in a full moon? I’m not used to discuss my emotional life here, but it sounds like you, my readers, are my first & last resort for my heart story.

Moon and other spheres have an influence over our body hemostasis. Given the moon controls the whole tidal movement of seas and oceans. Then, it controls the huge amount of water inside our bodies, from 50-80% of our builds. MRI, magnetic resonance imagination, applies its power mainly on the two H atoms in water molecule.  However, I don’t think people will act weirdly after being exposed to such a magnetic field. So, it's a different type of gravity. That implies earthly physics can’t be applied for big spheres. The statistics can’t accurately prove the lunar effect has something to do with increase in deviant behavior or events. Traditionally, surgeons refused to operate in full moon eves, because high risk of death during that phase.

So, how does a relationship last long? I’m not the best one to give advices, because I always screw it up. It just depends on the correct formula of attention. And I give less attention to those who deserve more. In same time, more attention to wrong people drives them away from me. The problem is the care is not controlled by me, but other factors determine it. As we mention other factors, it would be good idea to provide more details. We learn from our mistakes in our previous relationship. That doesn't mean we are not gonna repeat the same mistake again. Nevertheless, is the cost we pay to learn equal to the sacrifice we provide?

Too many injuries to one soul cause scars. Scares end up with fibrosis, shrinking, dysfunction and disfiguring. My souls, 7 souls, had been injured too much, that it had vanished in thin air or it has been stronger? I don’t tend to involve the soul or heart in such issues. All what happens is that psychological aspects of our brain adopt a better mechanism to avoid pain. One perfect way to do so is desensitization. So, our hearts, hearts again popped up here, don’t get broken as they had done in first relationship. We are not dead, per se, but emotionless. What is the different betwreen dead and heartless creature, like stones? Still, why do we feel pain? Regardless the self-image and oneself appreciation, we disclose our bodies to our beloveds. There could be a sacred code for our bodies. Nothing can get inside or outside, unless we approve this.

What is the stable relationship and how to achieve it? Maybe good communication is the underlying secret of every successful relationship. At one point, I can notice couples live in different worlds apart from each other. What value does self-image hold? I could be a wolverine and highly influenced by full moons. So what, am I inferior because of that? Should I blame myself for each failure? What is the different between virgin male and female? These questions just popped up in my head while I read this entry again. Also, don’t rely on any answer I provide, it just shots in the dark. Take home message for me in particular: I should talk less to get a better communication.

I am not funny, I can’t be funny. I think I am over serious. I’m sarcastic at my life, so it’s hard to find it funny while it’s very agony. If you ask me, I can be clown, but always I hide hatred underneath my smiley face.

World of Oz

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

It’s worrisome when I read what I’ve written earlier, and all I feel is admiring to my rubbish. It’s really dangerous.

Tomorrow, 8-6-2011, I am having one of my last 2 final tests in college of medicine as a fellow student. On 11-6-2011 I am expected to graduate. I am speechless.
color your world
I could be the only virgin student so far. Out of 300 students, I haven’t entered the internship office yet. Maybe tomorrow, my virginity is going to be taken.

Lastly, my father is taking the issue of me getting married seriously. Especially, after I informed him about my future salary.

P.S: I’m going to have a break for 19 days before my internship. I have to list things I wish to change or upgrade during this short vacation.

ما وراء الوادي

Friday, June 03, 2011
The Valley

حنين وراء الوادي
تحمله فوق أجنحة الهدهدِ
ملائكةُ الريحِ.
فيشبُ من ذكرى الصبى
فوق ميدان الظهرِ
و أهبُ
ألبي نداءً
بين القلوبِ
تحول سحيق الهوةِ
أن يلتقيا.
أنا الريح،
من ذا يهيم بالغجرِ؟
و سبيلٌ بالسحر رُصِف،
ختامه يشير دوماً
إلى القدس الأعلى،
و بيوت الملكِ
و فيما مضى،
منازل الشياطينِ.
أنت سليمان،
زِمام الريح بيديك.
و سبيل الفصول كيفما شئتَ
نكسو جسد الشتاء
و رياحين.
و نصلي
غض الربيعِ
أزهر تحت ظلال
خافقا الوردِ
جنت بدلاله
مقل الجمالِ.
و أجدب
من دهر الجفافِ،
ذكرى الشوق للعطر الأضوعِ.
و يظل في خاطر الزمن
ما وراء الوادي؟
و كيف انتهت بجناحيَّ
فيه السبلُ؟
كأنه طوى
و أنا نارٌ
تشعل دمي
قداس الحبٍ الأرفعِ
تتعرى قدماك،
و هي تنتعل جلدي،
و جسدي،
و تأنس قبساً
تصلي حوله ملائكة
و الغرام،
و جذوة تكاد ألا تنطفي.
