Troubled Mind

Friday, November 25, 2011
My mind is troubled, and my heart is aching. Honestly, I’m running out of words, yet my brain is crowded with many thoughts, and questions. I’m failing to write what or how I feel. I’m afraid of failing many other quests in my life beside writing. It’s a bit paradox that I write about my failure in writing. Anyway, what if I could answer every question that popped up in my mind? What if I could foresight the future? What if I don’t fail?

Fear alerts me the most. I’m feeling like a deer, which is encircled by many hunters, and can’t find a way out. The fear of being lost, in this huge universe or the tiny atoms, is occupying my thoughts. All I can do is keep wondering how insignificant humans are. Yet, I can’t neglect how massive the feelings inside my little body. Nevertheless, the sensation of being small persists, since my feelings compromise my existence.

Where is the earth heading to? I imagine the universe like a chess board. Very gigantic one, but has borders, and every movement is limited to special regulations. However, I’m sure if there was a steering wheel for our little planet, humans would hit the closest sphere to us. Where am I heading to? In next four months, I should drive my own little world to the safe shores. Sinking or hitting others is not allowed. I would rely on my relative monkeys genes, to avoid human’s foolishness.  

Whole mess could be solved, if I have the absolute knowledge for everything. First thing I want to figure out is what others think. Apparently, I’m ambitious to acquire some divine power. I could tell how old and big the universe is. I could know what exactly myself wants. It’s a bit funny to seek understanding others, while I’m very doubtful of my motivations and desires. “It takes some fear to trust.” Then, I wouldn’t stop in front of any questions. Then I wouldn’t fear any blind spot. Eventually, I would miss the excitement of being right or wrong. I would live tasteless life without mystery. 

I should handle the possibility of being mistaken, with ease. Life is not like physics where laws predict every probable outcome. In two months, I learned that failure is a possibility. It was like dividing over zero, but now it’s real. The world wouldn’t collapse if I mess up. Yet my world has already been shaken and stunned. I’m not the center of the universe, I’m not the ever shining star, I’m just a regular guy who would dice and dice blindly, until I win my gamble, or lose in most of the times. Therefore, no tear is to be spilled, when the chances give me a cold shoulder.

How real I’m if I’m not sure of my thoughts. It’s really troublesome when I neglect my whole presence due to that fact. René Descartes says: “I think, therefore I am.” The most certainty a human being may experience is the ability of processing thoughts. Since the absolute evidence of existence is the presence of a functioning brain. That means those who can’t think are not real. Also, you only are certain about your own thoughts, since you can’t tell if others think. This way I can build a whole world inside my brain. That world has to be true, even if it’s not physical, because it’s produced by my brain. Yet, to prove our existence, we could be an idea inside somebody else brain.

Yeah, I’m living inside my own world. Other way around if I’m only sure of my existence, then nobody else is real. Thus, I’m alone in this world. Furthermore, I’m afraid of dying alone. I can’t foresight the future. Otherwise, I would undo many done mistakes. Would that alter my destiny? Less likely, regardless all the cautions and measurements to prevent a disaster, its occurrence is irrelevant to our mistake. It’s an incidence which is independent by itself.  In the end, nothing was wrong except the time and the place. And if the place wasn’t invented, then time wouldn’t be initiated.

Stressed out!

Friday, November 18, 2011
I'm not publishing anything for this week. I'm a bit stressed out.

Missing Ear

Friday, November 11, 2011

Vincent Willem van Gogh
I’m sick of this world. I need to take a deep breath and ignore the fact that I’m writing for others to read. I’m writing for my own sake, unleash the pen. I’m sick of people, to tell the truth, I lost faith in people. When we treat weak people poorly, only because they’re weak, that means we are losing the moral code which judges us. Survival for the fittest is a completely viable concept, but I project to apply it on those creatures who are alike me. I believe to measure how community is civilized, we should figure the extent of poor and weak people inside the community. The relation between how civilized the community is reversely proportional to the ratio of poor people to others.

What does make an action valid morally? Is the answer different from an individual to another or from an individual to a group? I don’t recall last time I’ve asked myself about the rightness of my actions. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t have to think or take a charge for any consequence may follow my actions. Still, are we justifying our actions based on the after-action facts? You can’t tell if whatever you did is correct or wrong, until you observe the result. That means a thing by itself can’t be labeled as a sin or goodness. Indeed, that’s the mechanism religions work, I mean what if I drink alcohol in a moderate amount and stay at home, what’s wrong about it? Nothing, but God may punish me later on.

So, what makes an action valid morally? I met a young guy on the airplane, he was handicapped due to a road traffic accident. I sat next to him, he wanted to talk, and I listened to him. Then, he was very grateful and thankful to find somebody to talk to. What would change if I just ignore him and continue listening to my music? To tell the truth, the feeling of satisfaction for helping somebody was enough for me. So, the morality of an action can be determined based on its impact on the self-image of an individual. So, drinking alcohol in public where prohibition is practiced may affect my self-image in a community. Therefore, stealing would polish a thief image, and catching that thief would make a police officer feels great about his/her self-image. 

I’m reaching a paradox, I can’t determine the rationality of my argument. Since I can’t tell if something is correct or wrong, I can’t step further to discuss the conflict of interests. It’s invalid logically. The dialog inside my head leads me to conclude the inexistence of morals. Then, I can walk naked in public. Really, what prevents people from doing everything that comes up in their minds? What makes them feel good or bad when they do things?  We need to have holistic approach. Yet, to understand how primitive sometimes it’s, we need to investigate how our brain functions. We have two different systems one is to seek pleasure and another to punish.

Forget the rubbish, human brain physiology is easy way out. The main justification for everything we do is the self-interest. We’re selfish by nature. And the best way to allure people doing what you want them to do is playing on the thread of self-interest. Every little thing, good or bad, even self-destruction is based on the selfishness motivation. Yeah, I lost faith in people, and I’m one of those people. When I see my world collapsing around me because of one thing, and only one thing, and I can’t control it, because I don’t care about anybody but myself. Then, I can understand how greedy I am, how greedy human beings are.


Friday, November 04, 2011
"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics.

You are all stardust."
Lawrence Krauss
