The Oven

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I believe old Egyptian used a unique method in anti aging process, to keep their kings young. In same time, they used anti detritus secret method to save their corpses.
The best way to keep a raw meat is putting it in a freezer. The cold temperature plays an important rule to preserve raw materials. By saying raw materials, I include human being bodies. The best method to preserve them is inside the freezer, even for a corpse.
It’s unusual to meet patients here, in Scotland, below 50’s. Most of them are old, and partially still in shape. They keep enjoying their health in their last days. They eat red meats, consume alcohol, smoke, and have a lot of bad habits. Yet, the catabolism/destruction down process in their bodies is very slow. Because, I think, cold temperature suppresses that down. On the other side of the world, Saudi Arabia, It was rare to find patients above 60’s or 70’s. They usually suffer the worse pain ever to reach that age. And when it comes to death, they die miserably in pain and sickness. I don’t think the diet or life style participate in this as much as the oven, they live into, does. Hot, I mean extremely hot, weather we live with speeds up the process of aging in our bodies.
I would like to suggest an equation regarding the weather and age. Let’s assume the weather has a factor. For example, cold weather factor is (-0.25), while hot weather factor is (0.5). To calculate effect of weather over individual age we do the following:
Age + (the age × the weather factor) = Real age
Therefore, in Saudi Arabia, the equation goes this way for an individual aged 40;
40 + (40*0.5) = 60 years old.
While in Scotland, for 60 years old individual;
60 + (60*-0.25) = 45 years old.
So, a guy aged 40 years in Saudi Arabia is really older than 60 years old guy in a cold country. The age scale/factor/ratio may be adjusted later on to be more specific. So, the hot weather kills us slowly, silently, and roughly.

i need to review this article again.


  1. Anonymous said...:


    this is actually the best blog i read to you,

    i hope you are doing well in scotland..


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