
Thursday, July 30, 2009

“Some men are slaves by nature”, Aristotle. I considered him as a wise man all the time, until I read this unwise says. However, it’s very bizarre to determine the freedom of somebody from the first moment of his birth, and to some extent the slavery of families for generations and ages, just because they’re slaves by nature! On the other hand, emancipated slaves often come back and search for a master to obey. They can’t realize the meaning of freedom and being free.

Through history, people used to sell themselves, their sons and daughters. I question the value of human being at that period, as well as the importance of freedom. However, it’s relative being free and die of hunger or being killed, rather being slave, fed up and protected. Living was priority at one point of the history. Fortunately, some people changed their minds and decided dying free rather than living as slaves.

Within the history course, what noticed is a struggle of human mankind’s in pursuit of freedom. Moses took his Jewish slaves from Pharaoh and passed the sea running away. Islam limited the slavery and considered free men equal to slave. That’s regarding absolute slavery, yet when it came to people who were just treated like slaves you see them revolute. French is good example to the seeking of freedom, and revaluation against mistreating. Few days ago, I asked a lovely pageant woman what god she worships. She answered me that I don’t feel inferior to anything to be follower/slave to and worship. So, it’s a human nature to resist slavery and being slaved, in contrary of what Aristotle said.

I’m surprised when a whole population being enslaves, and approves it. It’s not ancient Egypt, or a contract of being sold and bought, it’s today in our modern life. Along all countries, and most decent ancient monarchies, we have no country like what I’m about telling of. In old days, the slave is referred/ named after his master, the master of earth and lives above it. It’s the same concept today; some are referred to their land lords. I wonder how stupid these people are, especially when they’re asked, where they are from. Proudly, they answer I’m a slave to my land lord, to my master, and I’m Saudi. In Arabic language when we want to refer something to its origin we use “i" in the end of the word. No need to mention their names, it’s understandable that we are the only country who referred to the monarch.

Don’t ask me how my people approve to be enslaved in this way. They’re just born and die as slaves. It has never been in the history, yet it’s happening nowadays. We breath what they want us to breath; pollutions, industry smokes, and toxins. Alas we’re thankful they allowed us to breath. We learn in schools everyday to respect the master whom we live and die by his order. We work our lives for him to live the best life. Unfortunately, every night we go to bed, we smile before sleeping and pray for the master long living. In some nights, we just obey his orders and give him our wives to sleep with and produce a new slave, named after his highness. This is unique in the human history; enslave population who accepts to be slaves.

So back to the beginning of my entry, “some men are slaves by nature,” and some are meant to be slaves by their own desire. Otherwise, they don’t know how to be respected human beings.

the doctor i want to be

Recently I went to livingston and carried out my elective. I met many great doctors but the greatest of these was a medical student called Lalani. She is very smart and very kind and very lovely... both doctors and patients loved her for her cleverness. I hope someday to be as wonderful as doctor as she however I can never be as great because she is too clever and knows all about medicine. Still i can try

written by Ahmed


Friday, July 24, 2009

I’m waiting for the prophecy. Listening to the silence, silently, to show respect to it. It’s just the heave of trees, rain dance while it drops in joy, and birds singing. I keep my eyes on earth all the time, seeking for the fallen star.

I’m alone and lonely. It’s echoing through the empty walls of my cells, my heart, my chest, my room, my block, my city, my country, and the entire world around me. Oh, is it the world around me, or am I surrounding it? That may explain the echo! As well, it may explain my loneliness. However, it could be good to listen sometimes to yourself while you talk, to realize how stupid you talk.

People continually change, starting from atom level up to mental level. We may change for the best or the worse. We may progress or regress. We may give life once, we easily die. We change for sure. When I review my changes, I figured to have been changed a lot through previous years, either passively or actively. Ok, let’s review some changes. When I say we, I mean me and myself, as to respect the difference between my spirit and my mind. So, I’m getting more isolated, more silent, and less socially. One nice friend told me that these are signs of prophecy, I’m getting more prophetic, and soon I’ll be prophet. It has been three weeks abroad, without any social contacting. I’m just being more listening, thinking, and deciding not to make any friends.

I am not sure of what I feel. My other dear friend told me to get marriage soon. I’m ruining myself by my own, staying alone like this. So, it’s me enjoying myself alone. I think Riyadh experience and atmosphere are stuck in my lower conscious and hunting me with loneliness. It tells me no body fits me, I’m alone because I’m superior to everybody else. So, Riyadh did the worse to me!

It’s very strange place to live in, because it’s a desert. Whom stupid enough to live in a desert? I chose to do so, 5 years ago. Now, my heart, soul, mind and I live in a desert. They are in a desert all the time even in Eden. It’s more like mental status. Is it mentality of being alone, more unique? Is it being more alone, safer? Is it not secured sensation all over my heart? Yet, I think no heart has left to me after 5 years experience.

I’m gravely sad to myself, ending up like this. Cry myself a river for being lonely.

Reviewed later on.

و الفجر

Thursday, July 23, 2009

و الفجر

يحسب القدر أنه انتصر
خلفته وراء ظهري طويلاً
حبسته في أصابعي ترمي النرد
و تركته في قفص الشك وحيداً
حتى نزع القيد
و ثار
بدد الشكوك حابسأً إياي
أمام يقين الاحتمالات رقماً فريداً
استوحدني الليل،
قمراً دون النجوم،
بسمةُ أمام وجه العُبوس،
ليلي الطروب،
صار أبكماً
يضحك القدر فيه طويلاً
فتهرب الجواري الحسان
و تجف الخمرة فوق شفاه الكؤوس
فتجذب شفاهي..
و تنضب آبار الجنون في دمائي..
يحسب أني سأصبح غداً
و تضيء الشمس شعاعاً ذهبيا
على ضريح الشهيد
تمتص الدماء
فيصير الفجرُ
يفزعُ فيه السكوت
من سكونه،
فتضج ملائكة السماء
و ذهولاً،
ترفع رؤسها نحوي،
صرت بعد الدماء نبيا!
ينبض الكون وراء
وقع قلبي،
أمر الليل أن يمسيَ
ذات يومٍ
أني كنت فيه وحيداً..

ليفينج ستون، سكوتلندا

The Oven

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I believe old Egyptian used a unique method in anti aging process, to keep their kings young. In same time, they used anti detritus secret method to save their corpses.
The best way to keep a raw meat is putting it in a freezer. The cold temperature plays an important rule to preserve raw materials. By saying raw materials, I include human being bodies. The best method to preserve them is inside the freezer, even for a corpse.
It’s unusual to meet patients here, in Scotland, below 50’s. Most of them are old, and partially still in shape. They keep enjoying their health in their last days. They eat red meats, consume alcohol, smoke, and have a lot of bad habits. Yet, the catabolism/destruction down process in their bodies is very slow. Because, I think, cold temperature suppresses that down. On the other side of the world, Saudi Arabia, It was rare to find patients above 60’s or 70’s. They usually suffer the worse pain ever to reach that age. And when it comes to death, they die miserably in pain and sickness. I don’t think the diet or life style participate in this as much as the oven, they live into, does. Hot, I mean extremely hot, weather we live with speeds up the process of aging in our bodies.
I would like to suggest an equation regarding the weather and age. Let’s assume the weather has a factor. For example, cold weather factor is (-0.25), while hot weather factor is (0.5). To calculate effect of weather over individual age we do the following:
Age + (the age × the weather factor) = Real age
Therefore, in Saudi Arabia, the equation goes this way for an individual aged 40;
40 + (40*0.5) = 60 years old.
While in Scotland, for 60 years old individual;
60 + (60*-0.25) = 45 years old.
So, a guy aged 40 years in Saudi Arabia is really older than 60 years old guy in a cold country. The age scale/factor/ratio may be adjusted later on to be more specific. So, the hot weather kills us slowly, silently, and roughly.

i need to review this article again.


Thursday, July 09, 2009
I don't know what is going in my mind.
I feel like it just stopped working. I wanna write, think, feel, and be insighted. Yet, I'm lost deep within. I don't know where to direct myself and how.
I wanted to write about slaveship, agricultre, poverty, Sctoland (where I'm), age relatievnce, elder people in communities, abuse, and some poems and feelings that comes out naturally from my heart.

My heart, my lost heart, be found soon..