الملوك الثلاثة

Friday, March 18, 2011

في عينيكِ ضوء النبوة
و خط رفيع من سلالة الدم المقدس
و أسطورة تنهمر وراء ظهركِ
بحور من الشعر الطويلِ
تحكيها الأقحوانِ
آنَّ كل قمرٍ أزرقِ،
كأنها عاشرت بحروفها
ما تخفين تحت الاستبرقِ.
حظه فيكِ،
كاد أن يفتكَ بنصيبي
و ساعتي.
تحت ضوء القمر الخجول
كأنه يصارع  لججِ  البحر الغضوب
قضاءٌ حان ميعاده
نصنع يا بنت الانبياءِ ابناً
و أنادى: أبا المسيح.
حين اختلى البدرِ
بعرش الثريا،
هو قِـبلة العينِ
في الليلة الفتيةِ،
و ظلي يمتدُ حد الغروبِ
عند تربة البحرِ،
طوله قارب الأشهر التسعة
و رطوبة الماء تثقل
ما يحملُ الغصنُ
فتسقط بين دراعيكِ
ترأت فيها عينان
و لسانٌ
و شفتان،
و تمتد فوق ظهرها
أسطورةٌ عن الشعرِ
الطويلِ الأصفر.
أيها الترابُ،
أترقص ذراتك تحت
ستار العتمة،
و تحفرُ الأرض تحتكَ
فتبني من الفراغِ قبراً،
و كأنكَ تبوح لي،
أمُ المنتظرِ
ولدت أنثى!
عساها لا تدرك الفجرَ.
سأحمل فوق ساعدي
صوتها الباكي
في رحم الصحراءِ
كأنه أخر ميعادي
حرقتُ ورائي بيت الشَعرِ
تهاوى الليل
تحت شعلة الغضبِ
تخترق التيه
و ترشد قلبي
حيث أنثى
تمكث فوق كثبانِ الشمسِ
في عينيها بريقٌ
عهدي به يضيء عيني..
و ينطق في قلبها
وحي السماءِ
و منطق النبوة..

الاثنين 14-3-2011

Lines of My Life

Friday, March 11, 2011

”And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains.” I’m a sub-intern medical student. During my 6 years studying, I did master various skills. I explored inside many hidden treasures, and dead corpses. I discovered numerous alters for reality, and every time this happens I could see the world differently. Now, all I have to do is running for 3 months more to graduate and start my internship. Then, I’m leaving behind me a story of 6 years of a spoiled boy in Riyadh. Nevertheless, the boy grew older. His vision has sharpened, yet gotten shorter. His voice, the girly voice, has deepened. And curls are being drawn all over his soft tight skin. It’s time to anticipate the change.

For some reason, I ceased to appreciate medicine. It was my worship, when I was a bit younger. It could be related to be a student in such a stupid place. However, I thought in order to be skillful, I have to take medicine with me outside the hospital. In fact, I’m trying, recently, to draw borders between my personal life and soon to be career. Therefore, I stopped giving any consultation or advice outside the hospital, there are some exceptions like my parents or close friends. Ok, studying medicine is like cancer, it may invade every aspect of your existence. Indeed, I have to stop in front of the big question: “what is my mission on earth?” Yet, I’m afraid or, I think it’s too early, to stand up for an answer.

And what will my position be when I start my internship? I do live the illusion of the healer, not Jesus style, he may revive, and I wish I can prevent. Most probably, I shall have 2-3 weeks off, before starting the practice. How can I upgrade my inner software to fit the new hardware? Ok, let’s start and categorize, like good doctors do. I have work, family, community, financial, and future aspects that I want to consider. Maybe I need to be more aggressive with colleagues and doctors, in the same time, more gentle and caring to my patients. I must be very accurate not to make any mistakes. In short: dedicated to medicine. Wow these aspects may take a whole entry and I planned for a shorter dialogue.

I was locked in a tunnel for 6 years. I’ve never imagined I could see the light on the other end. I am concerned that I became a bat, or a vampire. A vampire that is on charge on people’s blood and flesh. I developed day time or light blindness. I have photophobia, I can’t face or cop with new reality. Briefly, I lost all my humanly characters, because of the maltreatment I had received in King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. So, tell me please: how can I plot my future? I realize planning is a missing theme, in Arabs in general and Saudis in particular. Soon, we will find the job market in Saudi Arabia over stocked with huge quantities of under qualified doctors.

Apparently, I want to be a good doctor. But before that, I should fill the gap in my soul to be a good human being. Being good doesn’t mean being kind. It’s really pointless to heal people while I keep bleeding inside. On the other side, as my importance grows bigger for my family and community, my self-esteem is shrinking inside my thin body. And I keep standing in front of my life wondering what my mission is. At one point, I may stop all this interaction with people and medicine to go to a lonely mountain and live in separation. Then, I die in silence, shall I? Immortality is the pursued purpose in my life; nevertheless, I can’t fulfill it until I die.

I don’t tend to clarify or define myself, as only wrongdoers need to do so. However, regarding my future hostile behavior toward my colleagues, they deserve it. When I first met my classmates, they were like male mermaids, i.e.: male nurses, very attractive and appealing. I planned to befriend all of them. My frustration reveled how those medical students are pure devils. Greed, meanness, cheating, mistrusting, and hypocrisy are characteristics common between most of my colleagues. I can’t understand how human beings can contraire everything they intend to show. My short term mission in college of medicine is destroying the propaganda of King Saud University elite students. Until then, what is my mission? More lines in my life could provide the answer.

Thank u for debi-chiru to provide me with the picture.


Sunday, March 06, 2011
As I became addicted to read news and follow twitter, I become more idiotic. I need to stop following news. But this era is very unique, I'm not sure if it's gonna happen again. Still, if I become idiot, would my idiocy reverse after the finishing of all this rubbish?

Death of Romance

Friday, March 04, 2011

The feeling is something like vibration, and some chillness. I shivered lightly and briefly. Shrugged sounds struggle to escape my throat. I need to speak, but a higher resistance forces me to listen. I keep forgetting how wise to be silent. Attend carefully, feel cautiously, and close my eyes, there are angels all around. My senses are highly alerted. For my surprise, this is not the first time to encounter such creatures. I had this feeling before, for one month. Then, I could tell the prophecy would be fulfilled, soon. However, for my disappointment, it hadn't.

All what had been left were shadows. Even in the absence of light, the room was invaded by shadows and semi-light creatures. They had left the room too fast, that’s why the light track is left behind. I close my eyes to gather the rest of their traces. I can recall the feeling again. Lines of light gather to form the master piece. It was like an orgasm, I was very nearby to gain the ultimate knowledge.

I don’t have any sensation or attraction toward any human’s beauty appearance. There is a nerve which connects the eye with downstairs organs, and it’s hibernating. That’s why angels chose to talk to me. I’m a single prophet, despite Islam’s prophet had 9 wives. My instructions state that I live solo, don’t talk to people or try to convert them into my beliefs. The prophet of hands in pockets is liberal, and disconnected from earthly pleasures specially sex. However, I feel this instinct is dead inside of me.  Or not born yet.

In pediatric course, 5 months ago, I read that some children may manipulate, like masturbating for adults, their sexual organs to achieve pleasure or relieve the stress (check the information). The amusing sensation, when we were children, and play doctor patient roles. As we grow older, this sensation gets bigger and more intense. I have no fact to reach within this paragraph, but it’s important to realize the importance of appreciating the desire inside of us.

We need to legitimize the desire inside, to fit the phonotype outside. Thanks for my friend, he directed me toward this. I can handle it in Freud style, easy and plain: desire is id, ego shows it to people in the way it fits the super id. However, recently, I’m not in peace with Freud, so I need another explanation. Apparently there is a conflict, I can hear the clashes. “My penis has a brain of its own.” Therefore, I have two personalities inside of me, the prophet; the divine speaker, and my penis; the sex speaker. Unfortunately, the victims in this endless fight were angels and many others.

I’m sexually molested by being ignored. There is no respect for my desire, as I see lust is very held down beneath the tight jeans, miniskirts, and G-strings. Pause. The desire is oriented toward what we can’t reach. You may call ambition. So, is it normal to wish having sex with cute underage boy? The desire can be implanted, or incepted, inside the mind. Once it’s allowed to grow bigger, nothing can stop its occurrence but divine intervention.

So, what is about me? I’m poor guy, stupid to some extent to have high standards. I think of the intercourse as a result of love. From the beginning, I shall know, there is only one good place to find such a relationship is the graveyard. Ironically, I stand here alone, in the cemetery, talking to angels again. I need their help to salvage my soul. It all happened when I asked myself: “How much can a soul take the DAMAGE?” It hurts to be ignored, and it hurts to scarify my values for the sake of pleasure. And here lies the key; a normal being can’t have pleasure if a personal value is broken. To sum it up: regardless those standards may be inspired by the community, the desire stops when values stand.

the credit for the picture goes to kia lola, u can support her in the fans page. big thank u to her.