Super Id

Friday, January 28, 2011

I’m ashamed of myself. Again, when it was time to stand my ground, I just simply retreated and gave up. In Arabic culture, courage is only men’s theme. So, apparently for a lot of Arabs perspective; I may be missing one or more testis. Nevertheless, I believe women did satisfy the role of bravery, more than what men did. Sometimes, it’s true that women defend men. Despite that, females are so fragile, and males are too abusive. Regardless, Arabs have a hard time to apply what they say or think of. This could be applied to ideologies more, as it’s applied to races, and it is restated like this: Muslims, in general, don’t do what they believe into.

The argument is extended to define what beliefs are. Why do we disobey what we believe into? That means there is a conflict between the initial instincts, and the later teaching or orientations. This drives me to the main core point: is good intention something we are born with, or acquired later on? The model I want to use is Adam and Eve, they were wondering naked in heavens. Later on, when they ate from whatever fruit it’s, they decided to cover their nudity. In some explanation, the fruit was nothing more than symbol of knowledge. So, they were born naïve, and when they learned, they acted based on their knowledge.
I am failing to prove my point. As I tend to believe that, humans are born with a built in drives to do good things. Apparently, Freud, and religion disagree with me. So, how to approach my aim? In philosophy, there’s an argument regarding what comes first, information or theory. I did propose my idea, and I would start to gather information to support it. I did introduce you to my main difference regarding Freud’s Pleasure Drive Principle. Maybe, afterward we need to discuss the modified principle: Beyond the Pleasure Principe.

The other point I would suggest, beside the built in good intention drive, is Super Id. I mentioned few weeks earlier that; the more the super ego suppress the id, the id responds extremely once the super ego disappears. Therefore, if an individual, called ((Ex)), spent first 18 years in Austria, where Freud did live, and later on our experimental human, Ex, moved to Saudi Arabia, where Ahmed lives. The ego equilibrium would be disturbed, in the sense a lot of what was accepted socially, in Austria, would be rejected in Saudi Arabia. This holds its own value for me, as Ex would be confused for a lot of conscious apparatus would be deported to the unconscious. This would formulate the super id, which is the state of absent super ego, as it’s displaced by super id. Ex would express everything, people wants to hide, publicly.

What has happened to Ex simply is the absent of higher moral models. I don’t mean that Austrians are not morals. However, Ex doesn’t know about morals in Saudi Arabia, therefore, Ex is rebelling against all the models. Ex current status would be explained by some psychiatrist as anti-social behavior. The other trick, I want to emphasis on, is as super id is formulated in the absence of higher moral model, it presents also in the presence of very tight and not reachable moral model. This is the problem of me, and my current generation, can we fulfill what old people want us to do? They consider everything we do is super id, as they reject it, and we do it in front of them. The other problem in super id, we consider whatever we do as a correct action.

I am not convinced by whatever rubbish I just had mentioned. However, this is a project worth working on. The main idea has something to do with the situation I’ve been through 5 or 6 weeks ago. I had a practical exam in children medicine. One of the stations was examining a young girl heart. The doctor, with a long beard, was sitting away from the bed, and he just gave me the instructions. I was confused, should I really touch this girl? I asked him about her age, she’s 11 years old. And from first gaze, she was disabled mentally, and attended by a maid. The picture formulated in my head; the children medicine department, is making advantage of this young, helpless, and neglected girl. I wanted to refuse examining her, but with all shame shall follow me, I did examine her. Muslims, either students or doctors, don’t do what they believe into.


Friday, January 21, 2011

بطون الأرض جوعى
تطحن الحجر!
و ماء الله،
يهدر بين المراحيض و السماء.
تصلي الرمال،
كل عشية،
دعاءً شاخ،
و تقطعت في تكراره الشفاه،
تزكيه كؤوس الخمر،
حمراء كدمي،
و دم المسيح.
تنام خاوية الزاد،
آمنت البالِ..
تنكص المشيئةُ
عقيدةَ الأملِ.
في الميدان وقفَ
يبخس القلوبَ
يبيع الخبزَ،
و يشتري الأفواه.
قداس العشاء،
يمسي دون الأفئدة الخافقة،
و الثغور الراجية..
ينقطع خيط رفيع
بين جنة القلب،
و جنان السماء.
ترخى عينٌ ساهرة
عن ملاكٍ
تغشَّاها دعاء المؤمنين،
لتلدَ المنتظرَ.
انفض من المُحكَمِ،
أسطر القدر،
تطأ بطهرها كف الأرضِ،
فيسرق الجنينُ،
و تصير أم المسيح
تُطبخ في عيون العابدين،
ملاكٌ أضحية،
لبطن الأرض الجائعة.
على السماء تبكي،
أو تقوم الثائرة.
يا رحمة اللهِ،
حان ميعادكِ فانزلي،
و انظري
كيف تنحني
في محراب الصلاةِ
أغصان الشباب اليانعة،
تغرِفُ من ضريح الجمال،
رشفةً راوية.
سرعان ما تعطشُ،
فتسأل الله،
أهذا ميعادكَ،
أين ابنت النورِ؟
و أين العاهرةَ؟


For Record

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
This is a time mark..
Few months, say 4/12 ago, they started building a hospital nearby..
This entry will be referral when they finish building..
best regards,

Santa Claus

Friday, January 14, 2011

If Santa Claus had known about UAE, he would have left his gift factory. The whole idea is about dwarfs. Immigration office, in Santa Claus’s happy land, limits the number of foreign employment. Also, the labor office puts regulation regarding working hours and conditions, beside minimum salary. Santa, you should come to here, where little men, a lot of them, will take care of your gifts. In addition, you will have one to cut your beard, one to dye it, and your clothes, and another to clean your shoes. Also, no need for your cattle to drag your cart. We don’t want to upset animal rights organization, so use dwarfs to do this mission.

First dwarf I met, when I had arrived, was at security check point. He carries the basket for you, wait until you unload your pockets, then he puts the basket over the x-ray machine. Another one was on the other side taking the empty baskets to the first dwarf. People really don’t have to do anything, and soon we may make dwarf breath for us. For first time, I’ve seen dirty and lazy westerner. Hence, it’s their good nature has changed due to hot humid climate. Or, it’s the missing tight system. Anyway, it could be multifactorial, 2 components of them are: 1. somebody always after you to clean your shit. 2. This shit cleaner is a cheap labor.

Dwarfs are all over the place in Abu Dhabi: I don’t think the government imports them from outside. I suspect there are some hidden mines or factories to extract and manufacture dwarfs. Those factories are operated by dwarfs themselves. The truth which I’m not sure of that locals has a fewer career and occupations opportunities, as foreigners do everything. Otherwise, the fact would be that government provides the best jobs for locals, leaving dwarfs doing the dirty work. The 2010 estimation for the population is 4.9M; Emiratis are only 19 to 20%. Unemployment rate is 4.9%. Still numbers could be deceiving and it’s not clear if the unemployment rate includes both foreigners and citizens.

The only estimation for unemployed in Saudi Arabia is provided by local banks. It states that around 10% of males only are without jobs. Notice, statistics include males only, there’s no whatever data for females. However, some rates go up to 25% of the population. The noticeable efforts in last 5 to 10 years were to recruit Saudis as cooker/chiefs, seller men, or customer services. The last update is we could provide up to 50K occupation by making Saudis work in fuel stations. Well, the least guess for foreigners in Saudi Arabia is 8 million out of 27 million total population. Something is worth mentioning before we resume this topic is the Saudi males represent 50.9% of the whole population, while females are only 49.1%. If we should support polygamy, then we may end up with the half of boys unmarried. The other way, we divide the other male half into 2 halves, and let’s support homosexuality.

I presume: the 8 million non-Saudi are holding the best jobs, and sharp edge occupation. On the other hand, the Saudis are labored in blue collar jobs. I don’t mean to underestimate any profession, yet I wanna emphasis on the irony of comparison between UAE and KSA.    


Saturday, January 08, 2011

يا قطرة الماء
توقفي عن الرقص
تحت أضواء المدينة الناعسة
فالبرد يقرص جفون القمر
ينثر السحب         
ستارة تحجب النجوم الماجنة
و تعالي،
اعزفي لحن الضباب
فهنا جثة الهوى
في الشارع العذري
تنزف الندى
و بالجوار
عروس كانت تهيم
يمتطي الوتر الخفيف
من معزوفةٍ
لقطرة الماءِ
تسقي الظمأ لعنترة
فيسقط حامي الحمى
و تلتم حوله صغارُ الماءِ
أجنةٌ خدجُ
ولدتها لتوها
رحم عينيكِ
فلا تقوى على البكاءِ
و لا تُـسمعُ
فيجيبها الصدى.
على رأسها تاجٌ من أسى..
تعترش الشارع المظلم
و ترصد ما تبقى من كنزها
شيدت بيت الماء،
عندما كان مسرحاً،
و ضحيةً
و ناعية..
و جزارٌ ينثره الفجر الحزين
على الخد الرهيف
ينكر الفاعلُ
ما أمطرَ و وهبَ
جنازة الجمال
عينٌ تبكي بعد موتها
ليتها تحرق،
و تضيع في النشأة الأولى،
ءأنت على رجعها لقادر؟!
لا تدرك البحر،
أوتصاحب بنات جنسها
فوق السحبِ.


thank u very much for writing this with me.. fine lady