
Thursday, December 31, 2009
- the mighty America and Israel didn't dare to attack Iran. Though Iran like a pain in the ass for them.
On the other hand, Hothi of Yemen, helpless power, all sudden decide to attack Saudi.

- When I walk in hospital, I could tell we have more angels in earth than what god has upstairs.

- I think I was wrong when I chose my career as a dcotor. I fit more to be a patient with all the troubles that are going up in my body. However, a psychaitriest doctor told me that most of psychiatriests choose psychiatry to know what's wrong with them. Despite thier choise, they can't treat thier mental troubles.

-- Post From My iPhone

Illness & Greatness

Open your eyes to the new reality, we’re sick because we're ordinary, and healthy people. Greatness always comes hand in hand with oddness. I can’t call it mental illness as I will prove those mentally ill were sharp edge figures. Therefore, being mentally ill is a part of greatness..

Before I start, I don’t wanna make this as a teaching session but I have to explain some stuff. Depression, low mood beside other symptoms, and mania, elevated mood, are mood disorders. Mood disorders come in episodes followed by a normal, to some extent, functions. Autism and Asperger disorders have more persistent nature affecting an individual. This is an important note we have to keep in our minds as we analyze the following characters.

I’m very proud to start with Abraham Lincoln. This man is considered to be the greatest USA president, though he was poor, and from a poor family. He was sick, simply depressed. He had many sad events through his life, which I wanna pass through some of it. Those sad events can be called stressor, and I would like to consider them as factors to participate in his depression. Stressors would be classified into 2 categories; love and death.

In his love life, first love story he had, when he was 26, ended by his lover death. A year later, he met another girl and arranged to marry her, but they had changed their mind. After that, he sent her a letter asking her to come back, which she didn’t reply to. Eventually, he met Mary Todd, a rich woman from rich family. We think she was biploar patient. However, they get engaged when he was 31, split up briefly before the wedding party. Almost 2 years later, they met again and get married.
After marriage, I would like to introduce the death factor. The couple had had 6 children. 4 of them died during Lincoln life, and one died later after Lincoln death. Most of his children died at a young age. This affected big time the relationship between the couple, as well as each of them individually. In addition, Lincoln’s mother as well passed away when he was 9 years old.
“Lincoln was contemporaneously described as suffering from "melancholy," a condition which modern mental health professionals would characterize as clinical depression.” The previous events I just had mentioned, beside many others, support this idea of depression. Yet, the depression attacks could be limited to the time after trauma and sad events. However, by the end of this paragraph, I think we established that Lincoln was depressed.

“Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton may have suffered from a type of autism, according to experts.” That’s based on the idea of both scientists showed signs of Asperger syndrome. Asperger syndromes patients show limited social involvement, failure in show emotion or empathy, repetitive and restricted patterns of behavior, interest and movement. Still the thinking, learning, memory, orientation, and language are intact, in contrast to autism. Yet, some researchers argue that Einstein, for example, had a good sense of humor.

The syndrome is named after its recognizer, Hans Asperger, an Austrian pediatrician. Asperger himself is believed to have the syndrome. “Asperger also called his young patients [who had Asperger syndrome] "little professors", and believed some would be capable of exceptional achievement and original thought later in life.” Still, as mentioned earlier some argue with this concept and oppose it.

Sigmund Freud, the pioneer in analytic psychiatry, was morbidly anxious, and addicted or abuser to cocaine. Cocaine wise, he believed it was a good treatment for many medical and mental disorders. He recommended it to some of his friends and family. Some researchers think that Freud psychoanalytical theory was an outcome of his cocaine usage and abuse.

As I started this entry with great man, I would like to end with a similar man to some extent, Adolf Hitler. Before I start talking about him, I would argue that this man established many of the new world characteristic, boundaries, and led one of the strongest nations on earth for a while. Also, the idea of him ended his life by his own, suicide, establish the concept that he was mentally or physical ill. We can exclude obvious physical condition, so only mental illness is left.

There’s a strong suggestion of him being addicted to methamphetamine, a brain stimulant substance. There’re other signs of being Asperger syndrome patient, as well. His mother death because of the cancer largely affected him. That could be the reason he didn’t consume meats. He was afraid of having a similar fate as his mother had.

Hitler had strange sexual practices, such as urolagnia. This is in easy English means peeing on the other individual's mouth during intercourse. That may explain all of the 3 women, he had relationship with, attempted suicide.

The list is too long. We can count many others such as Van Gogh, the artist with incision ear, is believed to have anxiety, depression, and some trait of autism as well. Charles Darwin, Thomas Jefferson, and Mozart, are other members to join the autism list. John Kennedy was sex maniac. I hope this can’t hide the truth: the greatness is a mental disorder, as all those people had other mental disorders. The other way to look to it is, we, normal people, need to be sick in the first place, to be great people.

P.S: I hope one day I can establish a data base and statistically proven idea for this all entry.
P.P.S: this is the continuation of french coffee

John Kennedy 1
John Kennedy 2
Jhon Kennedy 3
Einstein and Newton
Adolf Hitler
Historical figures sometimes considered autistic

مشروع 2

Thursday, December 24, 2009
كسرت قيود العالم الأسفل
حتى حسبت أني ربه
أسقط ما اشاء فيه و أرفعُ
فاصطفيت في قلبي كله
يسمو عن الوجود
و آثامه
أسكنت فيه
ظبيةً تجلى خالقها
في طرف عينيها

نكمل بعد كم يوم

P.S: I still working in my project.


Sunday, December 20, 2009
شربت من كؤوس العشق
حتى الثمالة
فلم أذق
مثل عشقي
لظبيةٍ نجديةٍ
سلبت عقلي جنانه

نكمل بعد الاختبار
P.S: I am working on my project for great figures with mental disorders.. I hope it could be published tomorrow..

Best regards,


Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I’ve been awaken this morning at 7 a.m. because of my heart. It’s racing to death; it beats 89/second with altering in the character and strength of the beat. I could notice at least 2 missing beats in every minute. It has the pattern of irregular, irregular beat. Besides that, I notice lightheaded, shortness of breath. Now, it’s 12:30 p.m. and still my condition is not improving.

I had the first episode in 2008. Since then, it has been on and off, just for brief time, like few minutes. It could be due to anemia, over sympathetic discharge, or sleep disturbance.

Doctors, please your DDx.

Yeah, something else about my personal data: I'm male, 23 yrs old, medical student, single and I live in Riyadh.

French Coffee

Saturday, December 12, 2009

French coffee, or a french kiss? They both have something in common; the shock when they touch my lips. I could imagine the taste of her tongue inside my mouth every time the coffee sips inside it. The picture would be complete if this kiss or coffee takes place inside a french car. However, It's being a long time since my last entry. I've been occupied by many thoughts, events, and business. Currently, I have 3 agenda are going up in my mind and real life.

First, I study psychiatry for now. It's very amusing and interesting, as I start to see and understand the world in a different way. However, it rings in my mind a bell to an important issue; are those patients are sick, or just extraordinary? It's very stressing to deal with patients who are considered ill for majority, while I think they're not sick. To tell the truth, the majority of our diagnosis approach is based on general population regular state. I think they're not sick due to three reasons. In the beginning, I want you to imagine a world with 95% of its population with mental disorders such as depression, mania, or schizophrenia. The rest of the population is normal, or what is considered to be normal for nowadays measures. Would the 95% think of us as psycho? Would they treat us to be just like them, normal people? To answer this question, I invite you all to visit the psychiatry ward in my hospital. Second reason is the facts of many figures are known to have a mental disorder. I would like to mention some of them in next update. Still, a friend asked me, are those people creative despite or because the disorder? That's a smart question, yet I'm not sure how to answer it. I hope to find an answer in the next few lines or from some of you.

My second agenda is my leg. My left leg. The poor one. I still feel the weight of the titanium nail inside it. I imagine myself every time I walk and limping as Dr. House does. Well, I think soon I'll be in a need for a cane. It started causing me a pain; harsh enough to awake me, nauseate me, and drive me crazy. It keeps ringing in my mind the idea of a pain killer. Still, is this all for real, or just a subconscious thoughts because I watch Dr. House? It's hard to know as I don't have an access to my subconscious. To tell the truth, I think I'm very limited in using my brain, power, gifts, and intelligent as I can't understand nor control my subconscious. To make it easier; the human brain can be divided into 10% of conscious, and 90% subconscious. The subconscious deals with many agenda without our awareness in every daily aspect of our life Those who are lucky enough to access the 90% may have stronger capabilities using their brains. Almost, only mental disorder patients access freely their subconscious. That, what I think, makes them extraordinary. So, they're special because of the disorder they have.

My third agenda is coffee. And before I start I hope if it were a French coffee. In the recent couple of weeks, I've been overusing or abusing coffee in my body. I wanted it to be at least a sweet addiction like French coffee. It's pretty, classy, smooth, and attracts many girls and some boys. Yet, I keep drinking very bitter and blackish one.However, I could identify, by using my body, a new kind of insomnia; caffeine induced insomnia. That puts me in a tough condition, as I need something to induce awakens, I need something to make me sleep.

-- Post From My iPhone