Driving, driving me crazy

Thursday, October 29, 2009

While driving in Riyadh, I like to notice other drivers’ behavior. Beside the rudeness and harsh driving environment or battlefield, I observe another important behavior. Almost, everybody like to dig in their own battlefield, I mean noses. They do it in highways, traffic lights, or while waiting in parking, they do it alone, with their friends, wives, college, or anybody else. They just can’t resist the desire of digging for gold in their rotten noses. I could notice another irresistible habit while driving; religious people always keep moving their hands over their beard. Some people feel proud about mucus inside their noses, and some feel proud for having long beards.

In America, people in bureau, in streets, and everywhere are very helpful when it comes to blonde girl. The concept beneath that is strange, and I can’t really understand it, still blondes are very pretty, seducing, and to some extent they’re easy going. Yet, we may consider being blonde in there like a privilege. In Saudi Arabia, we reached the same level of thinking privilege wise. Considering the variation, here the attitude goes toward people with very ugly face characters, gloomy, a skirted thoubes/dress, and a long very long pony tail hair style, I mean pony tail beard. Religious people here has the same privilege blonde girls has in America. It could be due to their huge asses, and I mean religious men, since it’s very suggesting of a deep sexual experiment. Ironically enough, some shaved Egyptian doctors start to raise their plants once they arrive to here, as well you may notice some enlargements somewhere else.

Homosexuality and religious people is like a twin. I wanna specify catholic priests. They live under stress; they can’t marry or practice sex. I’m not sure of what they think regarding masturbation, still it’s not joyful doing it for life time. At one point, I’m sure they would explode and seek for a hole to dig. That leaded me to 2 main aspects. First, Saudi people may dig their noses in really a depressed trail to find a gold. However, I could notice some rich people do the same. So, beside gold, they may seek, like priests, for a hole to dig into. You can’t underestimate the stress Saudi population live under. Beside the conditions I just mentioned regarding the Catholics, there’re many other things; hot weather, strict community rules, and the thrill sensation of doing something prohibited. Second aspect is the trust we give religious people when it comes to our children.

I’m really forced to put it into this way; the only exposed white meat in Saudi Arabia is children. And poor religious men, they have to be face to face all the time with children, to teach them, behaving them, and raise them as a good Muslims. There’s that rumor of a test called faith testing/compromising, in that test, a religious man tries to seduce a young pretty lad. When the boy refuses, he passes the faith test. However, when he agrees to be fucked, he would join the holy community of beards.

Religious people don’t only drive their cars, they drive the community. Today morning I went to have a breakfast in a restaurant. I asked for music, like Firouz, for the sake of the lovely morning atmosphere. Alas, they all were afraid of MOTO3 to come and punish them. They looked terrified when it came to the punish issue. I think that punish consists of faith testing. In Saudi Arabia, you can’t practice the minimum freedom regarding your life. Starting from your appearance, passing through the times you go to bathroom, the time you do sex with your wife or potential one, and ending with the freedom of thinking and speaking.

Thanks to them, religion is like a market, offering and demanding. We’re globalizing Islam through them. If you need to be accepted in an occupation, we must allow them check your ass virginity or experience. Then, when you need a promotion, the longest your beard is, the biggest the promotion you have. Eventually, you need to be slave to them, in every aspect of your life. Your ringtones, your clothes, your manners, even your wife must not do sex and attend their female meetings. Also, you need to take your children to them, to test their faith. This way, we will end soon, like 10 years with a community of gays. No hard feeling my gay friends, I will correct it, a community of religious homosexual.

الولد و الحمار

الطفل : أبي .....!

الأب : نعم ..!؟

الطفل : هل أنت ليبرالي ؟

الأب: الليبرالية شرف لم أصل إليه بعد يا أبني .. أنا طالب علم في الليبرالية ...!

الطفل : وماهي أهداف الليبرالية .. أبي .؟!

الأب : إخراج الناس من الظلمات إلى النور ..!!

الطفل : وما هي الظلمات .. وما هو النور في الليبرالية ..!

الأب : ظلمات الجهل والتخلف .. ظلمات قديمة يا أبني .. أما النور فهو نور الحرية والديمقراطية ..!!

الطفل : وما هي الديمقراطية ..!!

الأب : الديمقراطية هي الفكر والرقي وتقبل الأراء .. مهما كانت ...!

الطفل : مهما كانت ...........؟!!!

الأب: نعم مهما كانت ...!!

الطفل : وما هي الحرية ؟!

الأب : الحرية هي أن كل شيء قابل للنقاش .. ولا يوجد هناك شيء مقدس ..!!

الطفل : لا يوجد شيء مقدس أبدا ؟

الاب : نعم لا يوجد شيء ومن حقك ان تشك وتناقش في أي شيء في دين الليبرالية ...!

الطفل بعد تفكير في كلام وحكم والده : إنك حمار ليبرالي يا أبي إذن ...!

الأب : ويحك .. ماذا قلت ؟ أتصف أباك بأنه حمار ... وهنا قام بصفع إبنه على وجهه ...!

الطفل وبكل براءة : ألم تقل إنه لا يوجد شيء مقدس ؟.. إذا فاحترامي لك مسألة قابلة للنقاش ؟!!

الأب لا يدري ما يقول : يا إبني إن الإسلام يأمر الإبن أن يحترم أباه " وبالوالدين إحسانا " ..!

الطفل : ألم أقل للك إنك حماار يا أبي ؟؟

الاب بعصبية : لماذا ؟

الطفل : ألم تقل إنه لا يوجد شيء مقدس .؟.!!

الأب : يا إبني .. معك حق في ذلك .. وانا كنت مثللك تماما .. ولكن ماذا نفعل إنها أوامر البيت الأبيض ...!

الطفل : وما هو البيت الأبيض ؟

الأب : إنه جنة الليبرالية ...!

الطفل : ولماذا يسمونه الأبيض ؟

الأب : لان سريرته بيضاء ..!

الطفل : ولماذا لا تكون سريرته سوداء ؟.!!

الأب : صه .. صه .. ويحك أتجرأ على قول ذلك ..!

عاد الطفل من جديد وقال : ألم أقل للك إنك حمار يا أبي .. ألم نتفق على أنه لا يوجد شيء مقدس وغير قابل للشك ..!؟ الأب : صدقت يأ إبني .. ولكن لا تنسى أنني طالب علم في الليبرالية .. وهدفي هو القضاء على " بني طوعان "!! الطفل : ومن هم بني طوعان ؟؟

الأب : إنهم أعداء.. الليبرالية ... وهم جماعة نشأت للقضاء على الليبرالية وعدالتها ..!!

الطفل : متى نشأت الليبرالية .. ؟ ومتى نشأ بني طوعان أبي ؟؟!

الأب : بني طوعان موجودون منذ قرابة الالف واربع مئة عام .. والليبرالية موجوده منذ قرابة الأربعة قرون ...!! الطفل يهم بالخروج قائلا : اسف يا أبي إنك حمار كبير ..!

الأب : لماذا :؟

الطفل ..! : إذا كان بني طوعان موجودون منذ الف سنه تقريبا فكيف تقول لي إنهم جماعة نشأت لتحارب الليبرالية التي نشأت بعدهم بقرابة االسبعة قرون ..!؟.!؟.!؟.

و هنا خرج الطفل من عند أبية وبقي الأب في غرفتة يكتب مقالا بعنوان " بنو طوعوان تتسبب في حوار حاد بين أب وإبنه ..!"

وخرج الطفل وكتب على جدار بيتهم : يوجد لدينا حمار ديمقراطي ..

للبيع والإستفسار : مراجعة سفارة البيت الأبيض ..!

to know my enemies better..
the entry was copied from an email I received

I'm real

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Narcissus was a pretty and very handsome man. He was spending hours enjoying the reflection of his image over the lake surface. One day, he got close to the water, so he might take a closer look to himself. Alas, he got drawn and sinks into the lake.
One way or another, we all do the same. We keep looking and thinking of our look/appearance, thought, ideas, acts, and behavior, like we do the best and most righteous. Though, I welcome criticism in my blog, I’m not sure how I’d react toward such an event. Most of the time, we talk, think, or in my case write. Yet, how oblige are we toward what we say in front of the public? We keep observing what we do, and forget to look to the world around us. Therefore, a lot of us live in a pink atmosphere, where they’re over protected, and served the best.
After trauma, a person passes through 4 stages; shock, depression, grave, and realization. People are different. Some are like chicken, their mouths write check that their asses can’t pay. Some are heroes. I don’t think my heroes are extraordinary. They don’t carry guns or knives to protect or kill others. They don’t ride motorcycles and patrol the neighborhood to look after security and safety. As well, they realize there’s a huge gray area in this pinky world. People are different in their manners regarding the trauma our community faces.
My heroes are regular guys. What makes a big difference between people is one thing; their obligation to what they say or believe. I kept writing in this place for almost 8 months. I was theorizing about community, manners, and values. The bad news, I failed in the first test I went through regarding my theories. I’m not a hero. I enabled a guy to carry on living in his pinky atmosphere.
I have to admit it’s hard and aching to continue writing what I’m about to write. I divided people earlier into chicken and heroes. Let’s put another categorization; enablers and disablers. We ensure our friends after trauma that everything will be alright; dead people will come to life after being buried, lost ones will be found alive, and wasted values will never to be lost, because we’re the community of angels. Enablers keep us the longest period into the shock stage. We just keep disbelieving how bad people we turn to. They just encourage us to ignore our miserable life, how weak, mistaken, mischievous we’re, and just run after ideality. How can a person be ideal, and he/she is full of flaws?
Shock usually lasts for days. The traumatic changes in my community as it has a mass effect, it may last for years and years. Considering all those enablers in my place, I think shock may last forever. To tell the truth, I’m writing while I’m shocked. How did I participate enabling a lame guy? I can’t stop imaging the future, and that guy in an important position. He will be a satin. At least, satin realized his mistake, or what is claimed to be mistake. Our enablers, I became one of them, are worse than satin as everything we do is correct. More enablers we have, more Narcissus individual we have in the community. People think of their selves as the absolute rightness. They expect us clapping for everything, all the rubbish, they do. Their selfishness makes them believe that people just try and struggle to be like them. Therefore, we, I mean they live in that pinky atmosphere.
Thank you for my disabler. A person who had the gut to stop me enabling. Then, she told me that I’m doing something wrong. I’m real, I don’t wanna be enabler, I don’t wanna be Narcissus, and I don’t wanna live in any pinky atmosphere. I’m real, I wanna endure the pain of the trauma, to be stronger.

What about boys?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Surprisingly, humans in first early phases of life are similar, especially genital wise. What happens is that some organs decide to protrude or retried in males, and stay intact/ unchanged in females. To tell the truths, in embryonic life, we all are females, being male is the exception from life rule.

I don't know the reason beneath the difference between those 2 genders. Regardless, the recent merging of new genders. Apart of being unique than any other animals, we do sex for the sake of fun. So, God why do you limit this pleasure in females? Honestly, I don't think my question was constructed correctly. Though, females are created with virginity membrane, while males are free to mess up without any limitation. I remembered a very respectful & beloved man told me that some can observe and tell if an individual has sex or not before. However, many people use virgin or bitch, rather than virgin or not. Back to my question, in a right form, why the community thinks a big deal of girl’s virginity? Why do they NOT think the same of males?

I posted an entry about a fake virginity membrane few days ago. I chose to publish it for many reasons.
First, I demand creating a virginity lock for males, and invent a fake one to use in case the original was broken.
Second, always a person deserves a second, third, fourth, and 100th chance.
Third and most important, what if my future wife is NOT virgin, so what? How unfair it's to decide the purity, fate, future, & behavior of a human being based on wearing eye glasses. Usually, that results because of abusing the eye. It could be in the form of watching nude girls and masturbate. It could be spending hours and hours reading and learning. We determine girls’ purity according to her vagina experience and hymen membrane. I don't care if it was lost doing sex or pleasuring herself as it's her right, or it could be her mistake. We all are humans, and a special feature of being a human is doing mistake. That determines will be accepted only when it could be applied on males.

The concept of the evolution is taking the best of me. The hymen was evolved in females due to males demand & mentality. 10 thousand years later, when females become dominant, males will start to develop virginity lock/ring.


Wednesday, October 07, 2009

كادت دمائي
أن تتحول
كأس نبيذٍ أحمر
لاذعاً في جرأته
معتقاً في أزمنةِ الألم الأحمر
كيف فعلهُ، يألمني عصره
و تسكرك
حين ارتحاله
بين الرحمِ و الفمِ
نشوةُ الفرحِ..
يالقدرة الله
في كأسٍ خمر،
و فنجانٍ من دمي،
خلق منها آدمياً سوي.
اسمه عيسى
و أنتِ مريم
أضعتي الأب
في ذاكرة الفجرِ
الذي كنت فيه تشربين
و ترقصين
ثم تطعنين عفافكِ
بخنجري البتول
و تفرين
تلاحقك حتى المحراب
رائحة دمي
ترقص خارج شراييني
تطرق جدران أذنكِ
ضجيج قطراته
في سبيل العتق
من لحمي و آثامي.
من المحراب تحملين جنيني
تصبحين في عيون النساكِ
و أنت،
أنتِ الصليب
تعفنت فوقكِ
