In the end

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I've never thought I would find this piece of music incidentally..
It speaks my mind, my soul, and my memories..

blood and flesh

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ghandi was smart enough to free his country without force. He could defeat Britain only with civil disobedience.

Khomeini drove his people to overthrow Shah regime, and again without force or weapon.

Yet, Nasir of Egypt, Sadam in Iraq, and France revolution all were drove through blood and flesh.

Still the question is how much sacrifices people must offer for their freedom.

-- Post From My iPhone

tomorrow plans

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
OK.. I didn't study well for surgery tomorrow
but once I finish my exam, I'd come here
and write about


Tuesday, March 24, 2009
AlWaled Bin Talal, the Saudi milliarfiet prince, has a small building in AlTkgsosi road to direct the kingdom company. and with a big sign it was written Kingdom company. However, I think AlWaled starts to lose his money. Because when I passed through the company I noticed that it's not the kingdom company any more. It's AlWaled Bin Talal charity association. Alwaled started to collect charity money. Since, the building faces three big charity association, I hope they'd help him fixing his finance satoution.

Another story.
I don't wanna be stupid or genius. Crazy is good, so I have the genius knowledge and stupid realxed mind.
I wanna be crazy.

I have surgery exam tomorrow, invetition to coffee, or going back home and relax.

The stupid doctor is big time deckhead.

Bye bye
The asswise

-- Post From My iPhone

صبايا نجد

Friday, March 20, 2009

تلم الصحراءُ في أحضانها
جنةٌ تخفي فيها الحورَ العينَ
و تحرس حورها
تحسبُ قسمة الموت و الحياة
بين فكيها..
و شمسٌ تُجّن بالجمال
تبصره بعينيها
فتحرق ما سواه
و تبقى منيعةً ذرات الرمل
تثير الخوف في قلوب واطئيها..
إلا فارسها و غازيها..
أقطع سبيلي بجذوع النخل
طريقاً يسيرا..
أشق ورائي قناة ماءٍ
تجمع بحار وجدي
بصحارى و ظامِئيها
فتهجر صبايا نجد
للوذ في شطآني
عرايا يحمن
حول موجي..
يسألنّ في قعر قلبي
اللؤلؤ و المرجان..
حتى إذا غفت في ذهولهن
قلوبٌ و عيون
أغدر كالملك الضليل
أرى الندى
يصُّبِح بأعواد الورد الرهيف
أعجوبة تفضح سر الحياة
في معطيها
و تسبح في أجسادهن
و القمرُ،
و الشفق،
و منطقُ الإدراكِ
آله الجمال الذي يبصرُ
فتخبط المنطق
و تعطل الإدراكُ
أرى الخجل على خدودهن حينا
فترقص الصبايا
يقتربن لقبلةٍ
تثير الدم في عروقي
و تشعل النار في نواحٍ
فيُسجدُ للنار كفعل المجوس
و تشرق شطآني
بنيران عند كل بكرٍ
ألهبتَها شفاهٌ تقبل
و أشياء آخرى
و حينما
تدرك الشمس مجلسنا
يهبن نحوي على حياءٍ
يسألنَّ أين الثيابَ؟

The Illusionist

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mystery of dreams

Sunday, March 01, 2009
Hotel’s beds are very public usage. I think anybody sleeps in a hotel’s bed would deposit a part of his body and soul. Also, exchanges some of what was deposited before. So, it’s like communication station between souls. How that would happen? Beside dermatology diseases with maybe transmitted, dreams reflect major part of our experience. I’m really surprised by the traffic of dreams I have every night. Either my soul travels to every place I miss, or souls slept before in this bed came to visit me every night.